Municipal Theatre

Nowadays it is a lively theatre, centre of Lamporecchio’s cultural life, which every year hosts famous and local actors and acting companies who satisfy any theatre enthusiast.

Hidden by more recent buildings, the theatre is situated in the centre of Lamporecchio; it is a valuable building of considerable cultural importance, both for its intense past, so tightly bound to local and national historical facts. It was built as Palazzo Littorio or house of the Fascist party between 1928 and 1929 by order of the podestà, Cesare Catolfi,to give value and prestige to the town from a political point of view and provide the citizens with a series of recreative and entertaining activities with a theatre which worked also as a cinema.

After 1945 it was used by various democratic parties which made it a place for meetings, debates and performances until 1954 when the building became property of the State which decided to locate there the local Carabinieri station. In 2002 it became a municipal property and it was restored coming to new life.

The Palazzo Littorio is the expression, visible especially from the outside, of a typical eclecticism of the first twentieth-century Italian culture, in which neoclassical elements were mixed with art nouveau stylistic themes linked to a more delicate and detailed, accurate and minute decoration.